
States across the country are looking to Mississippi and trying to replicate our success in implementing innovative telehealth technology. Governor Reeves has worked for years to strengthen the telemedicine capabilities in Mississippi in order to offer high-quality, affordable healthcare access to all Mississippians, regardless of where they live.

In the wake of COVID-19, Governor Reeves worked tirelessly with the state health department, national and state health experts, and the Trump Administration to ensure the effectiveness of our data-driven, measured strategy to mitigate the pandemic’s impact on public health.

Governor Reeves is committed to continue increasing Mississippians’ access to quality healthcare and improving public health by promoting smart, conservative policies that ensure the health and well-being of all who call Mississippi home.


Press releases:


Governor Reeves Vetoes Two Bills That Would Increase Health Care Costs in Mississippi

March 15, 2023

On Wednesday, March 15th, Governor Tate Reeves vetoed SB 2224 and SB 2622.


Governor Reeves Signs Legislation Creating Nurse Retention Program in Mississippi

March 9, 2023

Governor Tate Reeves today announced that he signed Senate Bill 2373 which creates the “Skilled Nursing Home and Hospital Nurses Retention Loan Repayment Program.”


Governor Reeves Issues Limits on College Stadiums, Game Day Events to Protect Players and Spectators

August 20, 2020

Today, Governor Tate Reeves issued social distancing measures for college and university outdoor stadiums and game day events to ensure the safety of participants and limit transmission in the continued fight against COVID-19.


Governor Reeves Launches Expanded COVID-19 Testing for Teachers and Telehealth in Schools

August 17, 2020

Today, Governor Tate Reeves launched new COVID-19 initiatives to ensure the health and well-being of students and teachers as they return to school.


Governor Tate Reeves Extends Safe Return Order and Issues K-12 Extracurricular Limitations to Continue Fight Against COVID-19

August 14, 2020

Today, Governor Tate Reeves announced that he is extending the social distancing measures under the Safe Return order, including the statewide mask mandate, and issuing crowd-size limitations on K-12 extracurricular activities in the state’s ongoing fight to slow the spread of COVID-19.

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